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Healthy Vibrations
Healthy Vibrations
Are there certain people in your life that have the ability to bring you down just by standing next to you? Are there others that pick you up with only their smile? When you walk into a room, do you bring people down or do you pick them up? Have you ever experienced so much joy that you could not stand to be in your own skin? Have you ever experienced so much sadness that your body felt like it was too heavy to pick up? We know that the human body has energy pathways called meridians. Did you know that energy has vibration? When a person is sad or depressed, the energy is vibrating very slow. A person may even claim that they have no energy. When a person is happy, the vibration is much faster and the person can feel higher than a kite. Food for Thought: All physical matter is made up of energy. Look at the elemental table, (chemistry) and the difference between one element and another comes down to positives and negatives. Our simplest material form is energy. If energy is moving slow it becomes stagnant and thicker. If a person is feeling sad, they become stagnant and thicker. If you have two people, one with a higher vibration, and one with a lower vibration, who do you think will be more energetic and happier? More food for thought: If most all diseases relate to different levels of stagnation,then who do you think will lead a happier, healthier life? Who would you rather be around, someone that needs to be pulled up the hill or someone who runs up the hill daily? Things that can stagnate energy: negative thoughts, negative emotions like fear, negative actions. Things that can move energy: movement such as exercise, exercise, exercise and did I mention exercise? Positive thoughts and positive actions, (exercise). The fastest way to move stagnant energy is with movement. The fastest way to stagnant energy is with fear, sadness and suppressed anger. You may have heard the saying, "Frozen in Fear"? It's true. When a person has slow vibrations, there will always be less movement and therefore more stagnation. Have you ever met anyone who is always negative and also, always sick? Doesn't it seem like your high energy people seem to never get sick and if they do, it's brief? Doesn't it seem like they also have more strength and control in their lives? Are you the person that lives with in the stagnation of fear, or the person that lives with the passionate fire of movement? If this is still difficult to wrap your brain around, please watch The Biggest Loser and see the changes that take place with positive input. Take a few moments to close your eyes and remember something that made you feel sad, be aware of how your body feels. Now, take a few moments and remember something that made you feel happy, be aware of how your body feels. The difference is that one emotion creates stagnation of energy, and the other creates vibration of energy. Focus on creating Healthy Vibrations for yourself and watch how it ripples out in many different directions. For more indepth information on this subject you can read Power Vs. Force, by: David R. Hawkins, MD, Ph.D. LET'S CREATE A RIPPLE OF "HEALTHY VIBRATIONS".
Dr. Terri Evans, DOM, AP Doctor of Oriental Medicine 239-430-6800